Sunday, April 10, 2011

My professional crusade -- events as marketing

The relatively simple idea is this -- done right, events are an essential component of most business marketing programs.

"Events as marketing" should be considered in the same conversation with advertising, social networking, your Web site, media relations, and direct mail. Events can help you build your brand, add customers, and make more money.

For the most part, business people seem to get this when they sit down and think about it; but it is absolutely not top-of-mind yet.

Here are key qualities of "events as marketing" to consider:

1. Events put the people you want, where you want them, when you want them there.

2. Events provide up-close-and-personal interaction with customers and prospects.

3. The results of event marketing are measurable.

4. Done right, an event marketing program can take your investment and leverage the money of others to give you exponential value.

One of the issues that seems to hang people up is the sort of event they want to have. The problem is that they tend to start with this question in the wrong place. They start with themselves (what they do and sell) instead of with their target market (who their customers are and what benefits them).

Ask these questions:

1. Who is my target market? Get detailed about this -- think about age, demographics, interests, the various segments of your market. In the end, what you want to get to is groups of individuals who feel an affiliation with each other (athletes, moms, skate-board kids, active seniors, etc.).

2. What sort of events would benefit my target market (educationally, recreationally, in terms of entertainment, etc.)?

Asking those two questions should lead you to a long list of events that will provide incredible opportunities for you to connect and build relationships with your target markets.

A few examples from my clients:

Landscaping company doing a green business expo (have you read articles about how important it has become to people that their landscaping/lawn maintenance service providers support healthy living values?)

Pizza joint doing a social event for young moms (who is it that decides where the family eats?)

Pharmacy doing a health fair (yeah, this one is pretty obvious)

You get the picture.

"Events as marketing" is a powerful concept.

Go tell people.

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