Your business doesn't really cater to kids?
Don't know why you might want to do an event that focuses on them?
Here's the universal truth -- get the kids and you get the parents. This is the discussion I've had many times with clients; and now it seems pretty obvious, doesn't it?
No matter what business you are in, if you create an event that attracts young children -- say, up to 10 or so -- then one or both of the parents will be right there with them.
One of my favorite examples is Healthy Families Fun Fair, an event we d0 for healthcare service and product providers (physicians, nutritionists, fitness centers, etc.). We provide a day-long, family-oriented event with lots of activities for kids. The marketing for the event describes a day filled with fun activities and lots of healthcare-related information and resources. For parents, it is something to do with the kids; for the companies who get involved, it provides access to the parents, particularly the moms who make most of the healthcare decisions.
Get the kids and you get the parents.
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