Sunday, July 18, 2010

Today's Lesson -- Consider Caterer Flexibility


The best thing about working with Community Events is the people I get to meet. On Tuesday, it was veterans and military folks.

Working with Columbia Country Club and the Truman VA Hospital, we hosted a free breakfast for veterans and active and former military -- "Military Morning." This was the first in what we plan to be a monthly event.

Our plan was to keep this first breakfast small and build future events from there (our usual approach). Really, the hope was to keep it down to 25 people or so -- but we ended up with 37. We would have been right on target for our numbers, except that the local NBC affiliate announced our breakfast on the morning it was scheduled. I had intentionally not sent them a release (to control the numbers), but they found out about it on their own (reading my Facebook page, I expect). So that totally threw off our number estimates.

The unexpected bump in numbers would have been a huge problem for many venues -- and especially if we had used off-site catering -- but, thankfully, the Columbia Country Club did an excellent job of rolling with the surge.

My lesson? On those rare occasions when we have a free event -- or any event, for that matter -- in which we are not strict about RSVPs (we were not strict here because we thought flexibility would be better for this audience), choose a venue that can accommodate a high level of the unexpected.

- sean

Sean Spence
Community Events