When it gets right down to it, our grandmothers were right about pretty much everything -- especially the importance of sending thank-you notes.
For events of up to 200 people, sending personal, hand-written notes to attendees can make a huge impact. It doesn't (and shouldn't) be anything grand -- 50 words can make all the difference in the world.
For example, two days ago we finished an awards luncheon for 160+ people (www.tribuneawards.com). By tomorrow, pretty much every single one of those folks will have a hand-written thank you note from me.
1. It provides one last chance to give attendees a warm feeling about the event and to reinforce the brand and messaging.
2. It reminds attendees about you and will help them remember if they ever need help with their own event.
3. It is just really nice, and will set you apart because nobody ever does this kind of thing anymore. Don't you want to be remembered for being nice and thoughtful?
E-mail is okay, and might be necessary if there are over 200 attendees or if you don't have a couple of people on the team who can help you. E-mail absolutely does not pack the punch of a hand-written note on nice stationery or note cards.
No matter what, be as personal as you can; reinforce the messaging of the vent; and be sincere. If you really appreciate that someone supported your event, and can effectively communicate that, it will make a big difference.
- sean
Sean Spence
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Meeting Budgeting 101
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